Instead of using cash to expense, consumers able to make any payment through internet such as electronic currency. Electronic currentcy (e-currency) also known as e-money, electronic cash, digital money, digital cash or digital currency. It involves use of computer networks, the internet and digital stored value systems. This ia a very new market, which has been generated many payment systems online. E-currencies is a very exciting and lucrative business that you can operate anywhere in the world through the internet. Examples of electronic micropayment system that involves are PayLoadz, BitPass, Beenz, Peppercoin, Digitcash and others.
Let us study how well the e-currency work in the world!
How all this systems function?
Payloadz is a service to sell intangible products such as softwares, e-books, digital art, manuals, articles and files. It is an automated delivery service. This means that seller can go on vacation without worrying about sending download links to the consumers every time a payment is made. These files can be either download via hyperlink or sent via e-mail based upon seller's product. Payloadz also has an easy intergration with paypal. Payloadz services can be used depending upon seller's sales and products file size.
- Secure file storage
- Automated delivery of your digital goods immediately after payment
- sell anywhere online: you can own site, our site, eBay and more.
- Support downloads and CD fulfillment
Bitpass was an online payment system for digital content and services. It was founded in December of 2002. Bitpass worked like a prepaid telephone card or Paypal. This stored-value amount could be used to purchase digital content or services. Bitpass enables online commerce by making it easy and safe to buy and sell. But, Bitpass was closed from 26 Jan 2007. Online payments have become more competitive over recent months.
- Save time. With Bitpass, you do not need to re-enter billing information with every new purchases.
- Protect your privacy. Bitpass shields your billing and contact information, giving you more control over your private data.
- Save money. Bitpass allows you to buy digital content in seconds, at hundreds of sites, and reduces the impact of credit card fees that would normally be passed on to the buyer.
- Make online shopping more convenient. Bitpass streamlines online purchases and subscriptions, and gives you an easy way to pay for small-ticket itmes.
- Access high-quality content. Bitpass enabled sites offer a wide variety of independent content that is hard to find elsewhere.
With electronic currency, it able to make visitors and customers more profitable!!
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