The last few years have seen the rise of extremely successful virtual E-commence companies, such as eBay, Google, Yahoo!, AOL, and Checkpoint. Click-and-mortar companies such as Cisco, General Electric, IBM, Intel, and Schwab also have seen great success. Aditional success stories include start-ups such as,,, and
The Success Story Of E-BAY
The Success Story Of E-BAY
E-bay is online auction Web site was founded in San Jose, California on 3 September 1995 by Pierre Omidyar, who was computer programmer. Auction web is part of a larger personal site that included. In 2005, eBay launched its Business & Industrial category, breaking into the industrial surplus business. Million of items are buying, selling, or exchanging products or services and information daily. Anything can be sold as long as it is not illegal and does not violate the eBay Prohibited and Restricted Items policy.
Objective of ebay is to reduce costs, increase customer service levels and company profitability. By receiving hundreds of millions of auction details from eBay, the services provide up-to-date and 100% reliable information about the eBay environment. Thus EBay makes it easy to reach a vast market of potential customers.
Ebay become more famous where there are more than 2 million new items are added to the eBay marketplace, more than 10 million bids are placed, and more than 100,000 people to trade with others through eBay. Besides, eBay currently has over 69,000,000 registered users! EBay being a wider market which is accepted by wide range of people. Customer can create a home based business with low cost, unlike most other business opportunities that require a lot of capital to get started. eBay also allows user to run a business that requires NO ADVERTISING COSTS. eBay is contributed trust and realiable place to trade. In addition, it also provide confidence to buyer and seller to trade. A part from this, However, buyer and seller to have more chance to trade when they visit this large market portion in order to achieve their satisfaction. As a result, eBay became successful when it reached globally to million of people to enable them to make a business for their own.
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